Which journey into the Mysteries is the one for you?

The first thing to Know is: You truly can’t Choose wrong.

My invitation to you is to simply Enter here wherever you feel Called to — and to Trust that it’s the perfect journey for you, and that it’s exactly where She’s Calling you… for a reason.

And… if it would feel good to explore things a little more, there are 4 ‘guides’ below that can help you tap into the Mystery School experience that’s Calling to you most…

Let’’s find out where

She’s calling you...

Feeling in...

Here are 4 Feminine Energy ways to feel into
which journey(s) are Calling you…


Which journey FEELS like it’s Calling to you the most? Even if it doesn’t seem to make sense?

Which journey vibrates something in your bones?
Or feels like a sigh of relief and a relaxing of your nervous system when you imagine stepping inside?
Or gives you butterflies because you can feel the Expansion and Possibility available to you there?

Which journey do you “just Know” is the one you’re meant for?

Trust this.
This is how the Mystery speaks.

It may not make Linear sense.
She’s asking you to Trust something deeper.

Listen, feel, and let yourself follow Her Call.

This is one of my favorite things to witness — women who simply feel Her call, and tell me,
”I have no idea why I’m being called here, I can just feel there’s something for me here,.” or “I don’t really even know what I just joined, but I just Know I’m supposed to be here.”

They let Magic, Miracle and the Mystery start guiding them — even in taking their first steps in.


How deeply do you desire to be held?
How deeply do you desire to be guided into your Sacred More at this time?
How deeply do you desire immerse yourself?
How deeply do you desire to explore the Realms found in the Mysteries?

There is no “right” Depth.

It is a felt and Known thing within your body and your Heart.

Some wish to touch into this Work lightly.
Some wish to immerse a bit deeper.
Some wish to enter a realm of Mastery and Co-Creative Power that comes of going all the way IN.

All are beautiful.
All of this Work leads to the same Magical, Beautiful, Miraculous, Whole place.
And all are appropriate for you in any ‘level’ or phase of your Path of Remembrance.

It simply depends on the Depths your body and Energy are craving right now.

Golden Goddess is the deepest journey, followed by Lineage + Legacy and Solaria.

There are also lighter versions of Solaria (3 levels of experience inside of H.E.R.: Solaria, Spiral, and (the lightest) Sanctuary) so you can Choose your desired Depth, so you can Choose how fully you immerse.


Some of you will simply Know you just want to be here, in this Frequency, receiving the Wisdom and Medicine, walking deeper into the Mysteries — in some form. You feel like it almost doesn’t matter where, or you’re not sure which journey is Calling you.

You just want to ENTER into what this Work opens doors to.
And I absolutely love this.

Because you Know the Work is the Expander, and you just get to let yourself Receive.

This is very common for women who have been doing this Work with me for a while, and just want a place to keep ‘plugging in.’

It’s also common if you ‘just Know’ you want to experience something here, and aren’t yet sure ‘what that’s supposed to look like.’

And in my experience, this is on purpose. It’s not “uncertainty.”
It’s an invitation for you to enact your Sacred Masculine to support the Calling — without having a Linear ‘understanding’ of the plan.

If this is you, my invitation to you is to simply Choose the deepest journey you can

whichever journey feels both like Ease and like a stretch, to let yourself be Expanded and let it still be kind to your nervous system,

even if it doesn’t make Linear “sense” why you might be Called to one journey over another

— and simply let Her show you what She wants to unveil to you.

No matter where you enter, we get to find what wants to unlock for you in the Mysteries, and what kind of Expansion She has in store.

There is no right or wrong answer.
There is Medicine in everything on offer here. Everything here is transformative.

What will feel Filling and Nurturing and Expanding to you right now?


Are you wishing for something delicious you can wade into at the depth of your Choosing? Like you would visit a Temple or a Spa to soothe and nourish you, to return you to a glowing, grounded Ease?

Are you wishing for something powerful and yet fluid — both light and deep at the same time? A space to immerse into Depth and Devotion, Ease and Embodiment, and to let the Sacred Feminine change your life in gentle and beautiful ways?

H.E.R. is the beautiful, Sacred Feminine Temple space for exactly this.
And you get to Choose how deeply you want to immerse — into content, Shamanic Journeying and support — from the very light, to deep + intimate.

Are you craving a beautiful, vibrant Mastermind, surrounded by sisters of like Heart and Mind — while you drink deep from the Sacred Wells here and have exclusive access to a bounty of content and practices — exploring in whatever way and pace your Heart desires?

This is the FEAST that is Lineage + Legacy — one of my favorite journeys I’ve ever created, it’s so full of Bounty and Play, you’re immersing straight into the Energetics of Abundance just by stepping inside.

Is your Soul Calling + Sacred Destiny a non-negotiable? Are you ready for the full Paradigm shift? For the Portal that transports you, Body, Soul, Heart and Mind, into your new Expanded Reality, into Mastery, into Remembrance? Are you here for as much Magic, Beauty, Bounty and Miracle as possible? Are you ready to live into your Sacred More as a way of life, a way of Devotion, a way of Being?

This is Golden Goddess — hands down. She is the Miracle-making passageway into everything that’s Calling you.

She is the place where Magic, Beauty, Wonder and Power meet in a Sacred Dance with YOU as the Vessel for your Soul Calling.

How much are you ready to Open? How deeply are you desiring to be Filled? How Willing are you to walk your Sacred Destiny?

The Journeys...

And here’s a look at the varying level of Mastery…..

These are only guides for the level of exploration and depth you might looking for. All journeys are beautiful and accessible for all women, no matter how deep you are in your Path.


These journeys are for beautiful for All Levels, and are also the perfect place for you if you’re just beginning your journey into the Feminine.

(Tier 1 of the H.E.R. Programs)

Your Sacred Feminine Temple space + a beautiful journey into the Feminine Mysteries. Here, you'll return to Ease, the Sensual Body, your Inner Wisdom, Nourishment and Magic, with deep and delicious explorations every month.

A beautiful, nurturing journey into the Awakening of your Sacred Feminine within — for deeper Ease, Pleasure, Inner Wisdom, healing and Love. Perfect for you if you’re just beginning your journey into the Sacred Feminine — or if you’re finding yourself feeling super stuck.


These journeys, courses and experiences are perfect for ALL women who want deeper, more Intermediate, Initiate-level experiences

(Tier 2 of the H.E.R. Programs)

A Temple space of deep Sacred Waters to immerse into and emerge into a new Way of Being and the Embodiment of your Magical, Mythical MORE. Here, you'll have all of the Ease + Nourishment of the Sanctuary Level — and you’ll go deeper, diving into Quantum Feminine Energetics so you can rise effortlessly up the Spiral.

The Self-Guided Courses.
Deep. Transformative. Rich. Life-changing. These self-guided Courses are 3-4 months long, and walk you deep into one aspect of the Feminine Mysteries:

Goddesspreneur — for finding deep Alignment and Ease-filled Success in your Work through the Feminine Paradigm of Business.

She Wolf — for your Alpha Feminine Power and walking the Path of your Soul Calling with courage, grace, and self-leadership.

Cosmic Shaman — for a deep-dive into the Mystical Realms, connecting with your Guides, developing a clear language with your Soul, and learning how to work with the Helpers of the Unseen.

Grab one of these — or join us inside of Lineage + Legacy to feast on ALL of these and more (see below).

The Masterclasses.
An ever-growing collection of Masterclasses diving deep into one topic at a time. The perfect taste of the Mysteries with a powerful, transformational punch. Each around 90 minutes or so, you’ll explore topics like:

Clean Energetics + Thought Leadership for successful entrepreneurs;
Energetic Hygiene and Clearing practices;
Cultivating the Source of Abundance within, and other Masterclasses are added each year.
{ these range from Free to $111 }


These journeys are for the woman who is ready for the Depth of the Feminine Mysteries, the Path of Miracles and Direct Revelation, and Devotion to the Sacred Ways.

Lineage + Legacy.
Where the Source of your Power
meets the fulfillment of your Purpose

When it’s Intentional. When it’s Aligned. When it’s Expansive…. When it’s no longer built from our Collective Forgetting, from our Conditioning, from our Unconscious Wounds — you can Create EVERYTHING that you Desire. In the entire Ecosystem of your life.
Every wish on your Heart, every Calling from your Soul — you want it to be Aligned, built from Beauty, and so perfectly You it feels designed just for you.
Lineage + Legacy is the Mastermind + All Access Pass to EVERY self-guided course I have. Here, you get to re-write everything you’re Creating — into exactly what you Know it’s supposed to be.

(Deepest Tier of the H.E.R. Programs)

A Temple space of deep Sacred Waters to immerse into and emerge into a new Way of Being and the Embodiment of your Magical, Mythical MORE. Here, you'll have all of the Ease + Nourishment of the Sanctuary AND Spiral Levels — and you’ll go far deeper: a personally guided Walk into the Feminine Path of Miracles; the profound depth of Healing, Guidance, Soul Retrieval and Wisdom through monthly Shamanic Journeying; and journey personally with me and an intimate circle of sisters for the deepest level of support, mentorship, and Devotion.

Clear Tones Mastermind.
A revolutionary Shamanic Mastermind just for those of you bringing through Paradigm-healing, world-changing Soul Work, and who Know your Frequency must be Aligned with what you’re bringing through. Your Energy must be an Undiluted match for what you’re here to do. You must BE the Resonant Field of the Sacred Work
that wants to be birthed through you. And here is where we’ll remove the noise, the mud, the conditioning. Here is where we get Undiluted.
Here, we become the Clear Tone.

Golden Goddess: 
The Sacred Feminine Mystery School, Mastermind + Destiny Accelerator

The signature Mystery School experience.
This is for the woman ready for the Path of Mastery, Miracles, Wonder and Wisdom.

This is for the woman who has a non-negotiable relationship with her Sacred Destiny. It’s for the woman who is ready to walk through a Portal into everything she’s meant for.